Hebrew Reading Ease


The Hebrew Reading Ease is a scale based on word frequency. The script iterates through the Hebrew Bible and generates a frequency index of each word that occurs. Then, the script works back through the text and generates a difficulty average for each passage. The concept is that the more frequently words occur, the easier it will be to recognize and read them. Thus, a passage with a high score should be easier to read and a passage with a low score should be more difficult. For details, see the Hebrew Reading Ease Abstract.

The repository may be found at http://github.com/jag3773/HebrewReadingEase.

This flat viewer page shows a book, chapter, verse listing of all of the frequency values that the script outputs.


Currently, the script will rate all of the OT books, a chapter or a specific verse. You must pass the passage that you would like rated to the script in the form of Gen.1.1. You may also specify Gen, or Gen.1, or ot to rate all books. The script relies on the xml files of the Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible found here: http://github.com/openscriptures/morphhb.


Please note that the script does not take into account that some portions of the Hebrew Bible are actually Aramaic. Further, note that the Hebrew Reading Ease scale is currently being evaluated for its accuracy in describing the difficulty with which one may read a passage of biblical Hebrew.

A Comparison of Means

The follow chart provides a comparison of the Arithmetic Mean, Harmonic Mean, and Geometric Mean using the verses from Genesis 22 and Genesis 34.

Verse Harmonic Mean Geometric Mean Arithmetic Mean
Gen.22.1 16 153 930
Gen.22.2 5 117 1580
Gen.22.3 12 107 958
Gen.22.4 23 150 1377
Gen.22.5 8 45 441
Gen.22.6 31 145 1068
Gen.22.7 7 91 713
Gen.22.8 19 66 275
Gen.22.9 12 152 1233
Gen.22.10 7 169 2015
Gen.22.11 78 302 972
Gen.22.12 7 117 1118
Gen.22.13 5 52 729
Gen.22.14 18 163 1238
Gen.22.15 73 242 1194
Gen.22.16 11 319 2037
Gen.22.17 5 38 575
Gen.22.18 4 27 644
Gen.22.19 19 63 534
Gen.22.20 15 64 175
Gen.22.21 11 62 1008
Gen.22.22 1 36 729
Gen.22.23 7 23 628
Gen.22.24 3 32 755
Gen.37.1 12 66 131
Gen.37.2 10 109 1012
Gen.37.3 7 91 750
Gen.37.4 4 37 268
Gen.37.5 5 16 70
Gen.37.6 12 152 972
Gen.37.7 1 11 105
Gen.37.8 3 30 376
Gen.37.9 4 28 210
Gen.37.10 5 55 590
Gen.37.11 10 35 952
Gen.37.12 4 15 35
Gen.37.13 8 105 758
Gen.37.14 4 44 662
Gen.37.15 3 37 249
Gen.37.16 7 73 862
Gen.37.17 4 34 376
Gen.37.18 4 19 111
Gen.37.19 7 73 588
Gen.37.20 2 7 50
Gen.37.21 3 36 583
Gen.37.22 7 69 688
Gen.37.23 9 124 1769
Gen.37.24 3 14 103
Gen.37.25 2 5 37
Gen.37.26 3 108 1701
Gen.37.27 3 20 221
Gen.37.28 4 37 1044
Gen.37.29 7 86 991
Gen.37.30 34 88 448
Gen.37.31 3 32 1208
Gen.37.32 7 55 724
Gen.37.33 3 13 216
Gen.37.34 11 39 375
Gen.37.35 7 47 461
Gen.37.36 2 22 415
Copyright © 2023 Jesse Griffin. All original work licensed as CC BY-SA 4.0.